Sunday, May 18, 2008

Welcome to the City Gates Blog

Very nice to see you visit. We can all share great information about Dallas and the area and about the Dallas City Gates Condominium living. I am your host Dave Christensen and I will invite your board members to become authors but we would like to hear from all of you.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the new Dallas City Gates website up and the upcoming social event in the courtyard on May 31st so that we can meet the new management company. I would though like to ask when the homeowners might get a private meeting with the City Gates Board and the new management company to discuss the many concerns that have been brought to the board’s attention for some time. During our last home owners meeting board member Don Dion stated that once we had a new management company that another meeting would take place shortly after to address some of our concerns that have been documented as well as a detailed review of our financials.

Also I noticed on the new website that it states that City Gates were built in 2005 however it was actually built several years prior.

Thank you

Charlie Begue

Dave Christensen said...

I have corrected the built date thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave, I am glad that I was able to bring the build date error to your attention. Would you also please respond to my inquire about when the homeowners might get a private meeting with the HOA Board and the new management company to discuss our concerns and to go over the financials. Thanks and I look forward to meeting you at the upcoming social.

Charlie Begue

Dave Christensen said...

Thanks so much for your input. I will have to check on a meeting time. maybe we can get an idea at the get together. If I know something sooner, we will be sure the information is available.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I am enjoying living at Dallas City Gates. The building is looking good in a lot of ways, but could REALLY use an exterior paint job. Is there anyway that this can happen in the near future?


In regards to the building needing to be painted- this is something that is going to have to be decided among the homeowners at a board meeting. Please be sure to bring this up at the next meeting so that it may be discussed and voted on as there will have to be an assessment to have this done.

Thanks for your input.